Air Pollution is known to be causing much harm to human health spreading to all the organs of the human body. According to the 2010 Global Burden of Disease report, outdoor air pollution caused more than 6,20,000 premature deaths in India.
First impact of pollution on our bodies are usually seen on our eyes.
Pollution triggers allergic reaction in the eyes such as severe itching, redness, discharge, eyelid swelling, inability to open eyes, vision problem and risk of infection (conjunctivitis, ulcers).
Air pollution is known to have very adverse effect on reproductive and neonatal health. Some of the common problems linking air pollutions and reproductive / neonatal health are mentioned below
Air Pollution is known to cause genetic mutation / alteration in the structure of the genes, thus passing the ill-effects of pollution for generations to come. Hence it is very important that we act now to reduce pollution.
Air pollution is known to cause great effect on the health of the heart. Research studies have shown links between prolonged exposure to Air Pollution and heart problems like –Hypertension, Heart attack, Heart Failure etc.
Prolonged exposure to Air Pollution especially in high concentrations of Ultrafine Particulate Matter is known to be causing inflammation and blockage of arteries leading to STROKE
Our skin and hair also get highly affected by pollution. Even short-term exposure can cause the following problems in our skin and hair.
Examples: Ground level ozone, Photochemical smog, acid rain, Peroxyacetyl Nitrate (PAN) etc.
Respiratory System and Lungs being the first line of defence for the body to deal with air and its pollutants is the most affected human organ when concerned to Air Pollution. Some common effects are mentioned below –
Since 2015, Lung Care Foundation has touched millions of lives
through its digital and media campaigns
and trained over 15000 lung ambassadors
through awareness camps
We continue to work towards our vision through collaboration with Schools, RWAs, PSUs, Healthcare Providers, Corporate Houses, Start-Ups & Other Healthcare professionals to make maximum impact and work towards the
“Care & Cure of 2.6 Billion Lungs of India”.