• Lung Care Foundation
  • 011 - 4225 2328
  • lung@lcf.org.in

ILL Effects of Air Pollution

How construction sites can reduce the impact of dust?

India is a developing nation and many cities of the country are undergoing rapid urbanization and industrialization. One of the key markers of urbanization is high level of construction activity in the cities. The construction dust is one of the major contributors of pollution.

However, there are many steps that a construction company can take to prevent air pollution caused due to construction dust.

Cover the construction site with tarpaulin to prevent dust from construction from dispersing in the air.

Sprinkle water on all the construction material being stored or transported.

Put up high barriers to demarcate a construction site.

Employ proper construction waste disposal methods and avoid dumping or storage of waste on the sides of the roads/ pavements.


There are many things that each one of us can do to make a contribution to reduce
Air Pollution.

Success stories

Outdoor air pollution has been recognized as a source of discomfort for centuries as smoke, dust and obnoxious odors.


Indoor Air Pollution is 5 – 100 times more than the outdoor air pollution. Indoor air pollution is a concern in the developing countries

Since 2015, Lung Care Foundation has touched millions of lives
through its digital and media campaigns
and trained over 15000 lung ambassadors
through awareness camps

We continue to work on us towards our vision through collaboration with Schools, RWAs, PSUs, Healthcare Providers, Corporate Houses, Start-Ups & Other Healthcare professionals to make maximum impact and work towards the
“Care & Cure of 2.6 Billion Lungs of India”.
