• Lung Care Foundation
  • 011 - 4225 2328
  • lung@lcf.org.in

Recent Events

24 July 2022

Lung Care Foundation

Doctors For Clean Air and Climate Action Punjab - Launch

Deliberate and collectively evolve an action agenda of engaging multiple stakeholders in Jalandhar in bringing about corrective and positive change for cleaner air and climate action.

15 September 2022

Lung Care Foundation

Awareness Sessions in Colleges in Delhi-NCR

The event started with a warm welcome from Team Lung Care Foundation by College Professor Ms. Shveta. 350 students from K.L. Mehta Dayanand college for women assembled in the auditorium for the event.

6 Jun 2022

Lung Care Foundation

Advisors & Influencers Roundtable - Kanpur

Deliberate and collectively evolve strategies of engaging multiple stakeholders in Kanpur for bringing corrective and positive change for cleaner air and climate action.

29 September 2022

Lung Care Foundation

A Roundtable To Deliberate Stakeholder Action in Lucknow, UP

The program was first of its kind to belaunched in hybrid mode; both offline andonline (over zoom platform) to involvestakeholders outside Uttar Pradesh andwas well received.

3 Jan 2019

Lung Care Foundation

A Roundtable To Deliberate Stakeholder Action in Gurugram, Haryana

The program was launched in a hybridmode; both offline and online (over zoomplatform) to involve stakeholders outsideHaryana and was well received.

3 Jan 2019

Lung Care Foundation

Lung Care Foundation COVID Relief Work Report

A report on COVID relief material sent to over 60000 people in Rural India
