• Lung Care Foundation
  • 011 - 4225 2328
  • lung@lcf.org.in

Get Involved

The Lung Care Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated solely for saving lives by improving overall lung health. We strive to provide the best quality preventive, rehabilitative and clinical care services while serving as the country’s largest resource on Lung Health.

Our Dream is to provide Care and Cure for 2.6 Billion Lungs in our Country.

We alone cannot accomplish this task alone. We hereby invite individuals, organisations to join us in this mission and help us reach each and every citizen of our country. The support could be in any form like volunteers for our outreach programs at National level or even financial support.

If you wish to donate, please click on Donate Now.

For Volunteers or any other support, please fill your details and we will get in touch with you.

    Since 2015, Lung Care Foundation has touched millions of lives through its digital and media campaigns and trained over 15000 lung ambassadors through awareness camps

    We continue to work on us towards our vision through collaboration with Schools, RWAs, PSUs, Healthcare Providers, Corporate Houses, Start-Ups & Other Healthcare professionals to make maximum impact and work towards the “Care & Cure of 2.6 Billion Lungs of India”.
